So It’s Another Blog…

There are a zillion blogs out there, so how does one differentiate a new blog from all the others? I sure as heck don’t know. I can tell you that my mind works in ways that even I don’t understand. Want a snarky comment that will probably include a reference from something that most people would not remember? This might be a blog for you. The fun thing, for me, is that I don’t care whether or not folks get the joke or the reference. What matters is whether or not I find it amusing or interesting. And be honest – isn’t that the case for you, too? If not, perhaps this is not the blog for you. If you like comic books, sports, movies, cartoons, TV shows, music (but probably not the comic books, sports, movies, cartoons, TV shows or bands that everyone else likes), Looney Tunes (“You’ve been eatin’ onions!”),  and reminiscing about how much better things were when you were a kid, then please stick around. I can’t promise you daily (or regular) updates, but I can promise you good spelling, thoughtful missives, frequent (and possibly incorrect) use of parentheses, responses if you are kind enough to comment, obscure quotes & references and that I will write only things that interest and/or amuse me. If that sounds like something worth checking back for, then “Face it, Tiger – you hit the jackpot.” If not, why did to bother to keep reading after “This might be a blog for you” ??

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